铝罐 sitting next to glass bottles.


6 Reasons Cans Are Better for Wine Packaging


From brunches to baseball games, the popularity growth in 酒 consumption, particularly among younger generations, 领先的葡萄酒制造商是否会考虑一种以前几乎只属于啤酒和汽水行业的包装选择:易拉罐.

As the Millennial generation ages into their late 20s and 30s, it is overtaking Baby Boomers when it comes to drinking 酒. 根据… 2017 survey by the Wine Market Council, Millennials now account for about 33 percent of 酒 drinkers, ranking just behind the Baby Boomers who make up 36 percent. With the gap between these two groups slowly closing, the 酒 industry is evaluating ways to adapt to changing trends, even if it means letting go of some long-held notions.

由于年轻葡萄酒饮用者的激增,公众对罐装葡萄酒的看法正在发生变化. Instead of associating 罐 with a perceived lower value, 消费者正在享受罐头的便利,使他们能够轻松地将他们喜欢的玫瑰带到棒球场或海滩.

制造商也在改变他们对罐头的看法,因为罐头比瓶子提供了许多额外的好处, 包括:

  1. Reduced Cost in Packaging Materials & 设备

From a production standpoint, aluminum 罐 are far cheaper to make than glass bottles. Cans are also less breakable than glass bottles, 减少因生产和运输事故而造成的产品和材料损失. 罐头更耐用的性质也意味着不需要二次包装,如用于分离酒瓶的瓦楞隔板.

  1. 更高的速度,更高的OEE

与典型的装瓶生产线相比,生产线是否需要更少的设备单元,从而占用更少的占地面积. 另外, 因为易拉罐比酒瓶更稳定(尤其是那些反向锥形或质心更高的瓶子), the can lines can move at higher speeds, increasing daily production potential.  最重要的是, 设备运行单元的减少转化为更高的OEE(整体设备效率)。.

  1. 更好的产品

在酒窖外面, 玻璃瓶不能提供太多的保护,防止阳光和其他因素使好酒变坏. 铝罐, 然而, are not penetrated by UV Rays and remain more tightly sealed than a corked bottle. This ensures that the product will be consumed at its highest level of quality.

  1. More Product on the Move at a Reduced Cost

When it comes to the finished product, 罐 offer the ability to cube pallet load with higher density than bottles. 它们也更轻, which reduces the energy cost for transportation to warehouses and distribution centers.

  1. 留下更多印记的空间

从营销的角度来看,当涉及到标签图像时,酒瓶提供了最小的房地产. Conversely, 罐 can be completely wrapped for maximum branding impact. 为特殊的一次性运行更换收缩套也比为酒瓶更换冷胶标签更具成本效益.

  1. 增长的适应性选择

Changing a bottling line from 750 ml to 1.5-liter bottles requires extensive modifications to the equipment, PLC)s and automation 控制 that can cost manufacturers time and money. 但是,保持相同直径的生产线可以很容易地进行高度转换.

随着罐装啤酒越来越受欢迎,酿酒商并不是唯一注意到这一点的酒类行业. Canned cocktails are on the rise, too. 如果你想了解更多关于节省成本和提高罐头比瓶子效率的信息, 联系哈斯克尔的比尔团队, Wine and 精神 包装 experts.

For more information, contact 澳门足彩app’s 啤酒、葡萄酒 & 烈酒事业部负责人, 安东尼•白.

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in 体系结构, 工程, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,高度专业化, 内部设计, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. With 20+ office locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

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