3D laser image of industrial space

March 15, 2016

Case Study: How 3D Laser Scanning & BIM Informed Facility Design



对于渐进式设计构建者来说,这是一种常态,通常不需要担心. However, 当时澳门足彩app的Bryan Bedell和团队的任务是为一个高度复杂的设施设计一个没有精确测量的解决方案, they required more answers.


How accurate is 50,000 data points per second?

To confirm the BIM Revit model of the complex Frederick-Winchester facility在美国,比德尔和他的团队应用了一种新工具——三维激光扫描.

激光扫描是一种精确的测量仪器,可以在像这样复杂的环境中收集非常精确的测量结果. It collects survey data points at a rate of 50,000点每秒,有效射程400到500英尺.

By placing scan setups inside the facility, 完整的3D模型可用于创建2D土木或建筑图纸, 3D computer models and final survey documents.

The BIM model and laser scan disagree.

Take a look at the 3D laser scan of the Frederick-Winchester facility conducted by LandAir Surveying Company below.

Really detailed, right? 这次扫描非常准确,它揭示了一个主要问题. 在激光扫描的基础上,评估现有的BIM模型(下面红色部分), 研究小组注意到,这些管道并不在模型所说的位置. Upon evaluating several alternatives, 扫描后,团队选择了另一种管道路径,以克服空间限制. Read more about the project here.

You may be one scan away from saving time and money.

想象一下,如果比德尔和他的团队的设计仅仅基于BIM模型中的成品. 他们将不得不推迟这个项目,调整他们的设计,重新铺设管道. 一次扫描避免了可能严重影响预算和进度的失误. 这就是为什么BIM模型和3D激光扫描一起使用已经成为一个新的行业标准.

当考虑这个新标准时,问问你自己——你对你的设施了解多少? More importantly, what will you do once you know?

你是否考虑改善现有设施的基础设施? Feel free to contact Bryan Bedell 讨论这些应用程序如何帮助他的团队,以及它们可以为您的设施做些什么.

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in Architecture, Engineering, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app is a global, fully integrated, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,200 highly specialized, in-house design, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. With 20+ office locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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