表面的传感器 & 作战系统设施



When base closures brought new functions to the Naval Surface Warfare Center at Dahlgren, they needed a new structure that could serve the research and development needs of U.S. 海军科学家和工程师. 哈斯克尔的解决方案是一个不起眼的59,000-square-foot structure that blends with its surroundings and protects the highly technical interior testing and operations.


设计ers successfully integrated the facility’s diverse functions into a highly sustainable LEED® Gold certified facility. 实验室, 计算区域, 办公空间, conference rooms and control rooms are functionally integrated alongside state-of-the-art electronics, advanced technology and a specialized RF (radio frequency) shielded anechoic chamber.


设施的综合体, 关键任务内部组件, 并且用户和用途多样化, 要求一种无缝的交付方式:设计-建造一体化. With in-house design and construction personnel fully engaged throughout the project, 最终获得了LEED金牌认证, 精简的设施,可以支持人员与良好的测试, 可靠的系统. 事实上, design-build methodology helped the facility enter into service six months ahead of schedule.

  • 59,000 SF research and development facility was completed six months ahead of schedule
  • 专门的消声室让U.S. and allies test communications antennae in an electromagnetically RF (radio frequency) shielded environment
  • First Coast Chapter Excellence in 建设 Award – Associated Builders and Contractors 2010
  • LEED金牌认证- 41分(v2).2). 超出合同要求
  • Materials – 31% of building materials came from recycled sources, and 32% were produced locally. 将超过94%的建筑废物转移至堆填区
  • 节约用水-减少34%的用水量
  • 节约能源-减少14%的能源使用


澳门足彩app’s team has been proactive — identifying and resolving potential issues before any impact occurs. Their attention to detail and execution schedule has been commendable. I would highly recommend them for any future work involving complex facilities with demanding customer requirements."

周杰伦一. Ryskamp

澳门足彩app’s team has been proactive — identifying and resolving potential issues before any impact occurs. Their attention to detail and execution schedule has been commendable. I would highly recommend them for any future work involving complex facilities with demanding customer requirements."

周杰伦一. Ryskamp

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